Friday, February 15, 2019

PDX: Snow alert

I had hoped to get some activities in last week so I could write about them, but the weather put that off.

Technically we did not get any accumulation here, though to the West of us and to the East of us and also I believe to the North, there was quite a bit, and it really does affect things.

That seems worth writing about, because the last time I tried going away on my own for a bit was ruined by snow.

(Well, it was really more the ice, but that is usually the case and we talk about it as snow.)

It was not ruined from a writing perspective; I still got three posts out of the experience, starting here:

It just wasn't any fun. I intended to go many other places. Even the small amount of trying to get around that I did was highly dangerous.

Local inability to handle snow is kind of legendary, generally baffling and irritating people from other areas that handle it better. Sadly, we have gotten better - there are at least more local snow plows - but things still come to a halt. Events get canceled, panicked people empty store shelves, and shows get pre-empted so that newscasters can continue showing you what you would see just outside the window.

On the plus side, it doesn't happen that often. If it did, I assume we would adjust. Climate change means we will probably need to figure that out.

Meanwhile, if you have plans for some fun destinations when snow hits, it is best to readjust, with simple pleasures like movies, books, and board games. Yes, you can try and risk it, but they are getting less forgiving with abandoned vehicles now.

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