Saturday, February 2, 2019

Oregon Historical Society in Portland, Oregon

We have been to the Oregon Historical Society. We generally find that we can get through it pretty quickly, with things being interesting, but not pulling us in that much. I still have to give them credit for two things.

One is creativity. I loved these light fixtures modeled on hops for an exhibit on Oregon's beer industry.

That is not a topic of high interest to me, but the way the information was displayed, and the thoroughness of including the different aspects was well done.

That carried over into the exhibit on Oregon's Humane Society, where questions and answers were cleverly shaped like pet tags.

That information was much more up my alley, and again, they did a good job with taking the information and the resources that were available and being thorough.

That leads to the other place where I have to give credit, in that I cannot question their devotion to Oregon.

If it is about the state, or happened in the state, or matters to people in the state, they respect that and try to do it justice.

Without intending it, for that visit we ended up going on Family Day.

Not only did that mean that admission was free, but there were also crafts for children, musical performances, and displays and foods that could introduce you to different people and cultures.

So perhaps an additional area to praise would be their commitment to community events and getting people involved.

With exhibits and people telling about Bosnian and Borana culture, we can also remember that not everyone who lives in Portland started out here, and there are wonderful things to learn about that as well.

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