Saturday, February 9, 2019

PDX - Oregon Rail Heritage Center

The Oregon Rail Heritage Center is run by the Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation. Their mission is "To provide for the preservation and public enjoyment of Portland's historic locomotives, railroad equipment, and artifacts, and to educate the public about Oregon’s rich and diverse railroad history."

 Location is key, with the center adjacent to light and heavy rail in a unique way.

At least one local business - Mt. Hood Brewing Company - has really gotten into the spirit.

The first thing I noticed approaching the building was how big it was, but of course it had to be tall and long and wide: there are trains in there.

There are plenty of trains outside too. I know many children love trains, and this should be incredibly exciting for them.

Even big kids might get a kick out of ringing the bell. I did.

Many of the trains inside are under repair, so this is a workshop as much as a place of exhibition. In that way it is somewhat like the Oregon Maritime Museum, though they only have the single boat.

That has also made the center a magical place for many retirees.

I have ridden trains before, but you do get a better sense of the scale here. Trains are huge.

Of course there are smaller items on exhibit too, with signage explaining the history.

For example, "milk run" has a meaning I didn't know about.

 I still think the big attraction is the big trains.

Obviously Sheldon Cooper would love it.

(I did find the light a little tricky for photography inside.)

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