Saturday, January 25, 2025

FATHOM by Roboto Octopodo: Extended through July 2025

While we were at A Walk in Winter Wonderland, my sisters mentioned something reminding them of Hopscotch, and someone nearby said if they liked that, they should check out FATHOM, which is similar but ocean-themed.

While looking into that, we found that this interactive art experience ends in February, meaning that if we wanted to go, we could not delay.

We also found that you can get in free within a week of your birthday (promo code Clamcake).

We went the day after my birthday.

I had thought it would be better to go within a week of their birthday, since then there are two free admissions. If we wanted to review it while people still had time to go, that was pushing it. 

We went the day after my birthday. 

I found Hopscotch more impressive. There may be two factors that influence FATHOM.

One is that when you go during the day, children are allowed, and there may be things that are more geared toward them.

We were given a checklist for a scavenger hunt at the entrance. I suspect that doesn't happen after 7:30.

Does it suddenly get much more sophisticated and adult after that? Probably not.

If it does, though, does it have to do with the giant clam bed?

You are given 5D glasses along with the checklist, but those are part of every session.

You are advised to wear them as much or as little as you wish. 

Wearing regular glasses I am not sure if I get the same effect, but what they did for me was make images multiply. They were most impressive with lights. 

The other potential influence is that this is temporary.

To be fair, even in permanent museums it is not unusual for exhibits to be rotated in and out. With this limited time available, I think there may have been a more relaxed attitude: Let's just have fun!

That doesn't mean that there were not things that were impressive, but I think a more permanent exhibition may have brought forth a different level of effort.

It is completely fine to have fun.

Some of the art reminded me of things I have seen at the Winter Lights Festival.

I mean, why not? Portland has a lot of creative people; there should be multiple creative outlets.

In fact, the gift shop features work by local artists.

It also has snacks that may be less local but work with the theme. 

FATHOM can be fun and interesting. Accept it on its own terms.

COVID: This is totally indoors and enclosed. Wear your mask.

Accessibility: This was mostly pretty good. There should not be anything totally inaccessible, but I do remember noticing one spot where the floor was not level. This is not unusual in older buildings, but with the decor it would be easy to miss.

 If you want to check it out, you have a little over a month.

I should mention that there is sort of a story about a portal and research, but I am not sure that it matters much. Otherwise, we should have been more motivated with the checklist.

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