Saturday, June 6, 2020

Frog Pond Farm Safari

Last week we did another farm safari, this time at Frog Pond in Wilsonville.

Coming so close together, it will be hard not to compare to Plumper Pumpkins. Both are pumpkin patches and Christmas tree farms that can't run business in their usual way right now. The safari gives a chance to engage differently.

The biggest difference is that Frog Pond has a lot more animals. Although the obvious parallel is Wildlife Safari, it reminded me a lot of Okanagan Game Farm, a British Columbia attraction from many years ago.

There were llots of llamas.

There was informational signage in different places. What we saw focused on the animals. I didn't see any information on the plants, but you could see where the Christmas trees are going, and guess where the pumpkins would be planted.

There were cute Scottish cattle...

and two kinds of goats.

We only saw two pigs.

Staying in the car was required, so I do not have a good picture of the emu or turkey.

Some of the larger animals were easier to photograph, which makes sense.

My sisters were very sold on the camel, Dude.

My favorite thing was this donkey rolling over like a big puppy, while across from him two other donkeys were running and playing together. It was a lively crew.

For the big differences, Frog Pond was much farther to go than Plumper Pumpkin, though that varies based on your location. It was much more exciting on an animal level.

However, Plumper Pumpkins had much better doughnuts. Frog Pond's doughnut holes were fine, but basically your grocery store equivalent. Also, Frog Pond cost $5 more, though that was not a big deal.

For one more $5 (which we went for), Frog Pond also gave us a bag of cut up fruits and vegetables that we could throw to the animals. Hand feeding was not allowed.

I don't regret getting it, but making it over the fences and to an animal was a little difficult, and it never seemed to excite them that much; they have plenty of food. I also accidentally beaned one cow in the forehead, which did not seem to hurt, but I was still pretty mortified.  So, I might not do that part again, but I would definitely go through Frog Pond again, and recommend it to anyone who likes animals.

They are running the safari this weekend.

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