Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Pittock Mansion - Christmas display

Every year the Pittock Mansion decorates for Christmas on a different theme, and this year the theme was books.

 Here is Harry Potter's cake from Hagrid...

 and the Eiffel Tower in the Madeline room, probably my favorite of the rooms.

I think it was my favorite because they did the most with it.

A Christmas Carol was the most sumptuous, but I think that went along with the general theme of the room for the rest of the year.

 The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Be...

The collection of various editions of The Joy of Cooking in the kitchen was a nice touch, and that was probably the tree that best illustrated the theme.

Overall, though, I was not impressed with the carrying out of the theme.

Cinderella may be the best example. A bodice over some green branches and some gourds.

Okay, the slippers were nice...

but look at the third picture down for the Miracle of a Million Lights at the Victorian Belle: It is magical.

Nothing at Pittock seemed magical. (And the lighting was really weird for photos.)

Here's the thing: I have never liked the Pittock Mansion, but this time I think I understand why. When I have gone I have gone at Christmas, and that is not their thing.

Their job is preserving history, and they do a good job of that with placards and things. They do something for the holidays, but it doesn't transform.

That doesn't mean there is no value in preserving Portland history. They have added information that I think is really helpful.

But for that, it's probably better to go any time than Christmas.

Also, that parking lot is horrible, but that is a common issue for attractions built on hills. There are some good views.

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