Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Brigittine Monks of Amity, Oregon: Fresh artisan chocolate

About a month ago we saw the monastery and its chocolates featured on Grant's Getaways: 

I think many people saw it. There was a fairly steady stream of customers while I was there, and there is now a note about working to keep up with orders on the web site.

Well who doesn't like a getaway that includes chocolate?

We stopped by on our way up from Albany.

Of course, it is a sanctuary and religious community, but it also makes and sells chocolates, which allows the monks to be self-supporting.

There is a variety of fudge and truffles available, both in the case and already boxed.

They do also sell rosaries, true, but the enthusiasm for chocolate is expressed clearly.

Truffles were $4.00 each, which was not unreasonable given their size, which was large.

Those pieces in the back are for sampling. I sampled an egg nog truffle, and then decided to get mint and chocolate instead. I was glad that I was able to try the egg nog truffle without committing to it. 

There were options for creating your own boxes, as well as a wide selection of packaged products. The couple who drove up at the same time as us was clearly Christmas shopping, and many of the reviews mention gifts.

It was an interesting visit, but for original chocolates I think my favorite is still Enchanté in Milwaukie. However. the monastery shop is part of the Great Oaks Food Trail, so can be part of a larger expedition:

You could just order online, but where else will you have a monk fixing a sticker to your package while you insert your debit card?

COVID: The shop is small. You don't have to spend long in there, but wear a mask.

Accessibility: The paths and ramps are pretty navigable. The door often requires being buzzed in, so you need only push the buzzer and they will open the door. However, on our day the traffic was so brisk, that the people exiting were letting in the new arrivals.

I don't imagine us rushing back, but I don't regret that we made our way there once.

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