Saturday, January 23, 2021

Stafford Neighborhood Church Christmas Lights

When I was first searching for information on the Stafford Neighborhood Church event, I was concerned to see references to walking, but also something about slides and play areas. Was this actually a COVID-safe event?

I didn't need to worry. Apparently in past years there have been more interactive activities, but this year became almost exclusively drive-through.

The "almost" is because there were some possibilities for getting out of the car to take a closer look, and walk on foot paths that were dependent on it not getting overcrowded and not otherwise impeding the flow of traffic.

The night we went was a little rainy, so there was probably less temptation to get out of the car, but there were people monitoring the flow, and based on the size of the driving area it seemed like it would be easy to keep things going smoothly.

The information described it as a half mile drive, but I was impressed with how much there was to see over such a short distance. It was well done.

Like many similar attractions, there was a suggested radio station to tune into for the soundtrack. We did not take advantage of that.

Overall we were impressed with the community offering. Opportunities to safely enjoy the seasonal traditions - especially in times of pandemic - are much appreciated. Another local church had an attractive light display, but there was nothing indicating that people were welcome to come and look.

This welcome included a gift bag with information on the church, a coloring sheet and crayons, a kit for making a simple ornament, and a small candy cane.

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