Saturday, January 2, 2021

Beaverton Winter Lights - through January 3rd!

Now that we are past Christmas, I am scheduling blog posts first based on whether it is still possible to see them, and then by whether they will still be open at all for non-holiday purposes. You can still see Beaverton Winter Lights for two more nights.

There are five locations with different themes.

You can view the Whimsical Winter Wonderland Light Show at Beaverton's new Public Safety Center on Hall Boulevard.

The projected images do change fairly frequently, so even just driving by you may be impressed by the display. Drive carefully though.

The Enchanted Light Show at the Round also uses projection, but here it is on a lower wall, where I did see some children playing against it, and becoming part of the pattern.

The trees are also decorated there, which adds to the scene.

I believe both of those are new. I mean, yes they have decorated the trees at the Round before, but I don't believe there has previously been any projection. However, the decorations around the Beaverton Library have been a tradition.

(Last section,

Technically this is considered to be two attractions, Sycamore Tree Sparkle around the library, and Candy Cane Lane when you cross the street.

In fact, there are several candy canes on both sides, but it is possible that there are only sycamores on the library side. (I am not that good at tree identification.)

Obviously there are updates every year, and one of the stars of this year's design is the large ornament and candy canes behind a bench, creating a prime selfie spot.

As there is definitely more to see here, and it does encourage getting out and walking, this was the attraction with the most people, and dogs. Mask wearing was pretty well observed, and at least while we were there, there were people at the library doors with information.

There is also an activity book available for download:

Given all of the light and variety of Sycamore Tree Sparkle AND Candy Cane Lane...

the single static art piece at Mountain View Champions Park may seem to be getting the short end of the stick.

The custom-designed piece shows an illuminated Mount Hood with snow flakes on one side and backlit evergreen trees on the other. 

While it is not necessarily a reason to visit the park, when we did visit there was a night game going on, and perhaps if a lot of night games get played there, it may be nice to have an additional thing to look at.

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