Saturday, July 28, 2018

PDX: Stumptown Trivia

My sisters and I recently went to our first trivia night. We went to a sitcom trivia night at the Cedar Hills Pizza Schmizza, but there are many options.

I was very impressed with the organization. When your team checks in, you get a sheet for keeping track of your points and a pad for sending in answers. 

This negates the need for shouting or buzzers. Knowing the answer faster doesn't help, but needing some time to keep up with it also doesn't hurt.

In each of four rounds, you have four point values you can choose from: 1, 3 , 5, and 7. A question is asked, and you write down the answer and the points you want to risk on it. You don't know what other questions are coming, so if you are confident, break out the high point values first. In our first round we were not very confident on the first question, so only assigned it one point. All of the others were worse, and that was the only one we got right. We should have put 7 on it, but you just don't know. Slips are then collected, and then the answer is given. You can track your own points, but the trivia team is also tracking and will determine winners.

No points are awarded if you have your phones out. This is about what you know!

There are also some wagers, where points can be earned by coming up with the best answer (as determined by a member of the host site's staff) to a proposed question.

I was really impressed with the organization. We were also humbled. Some of these questions are hard. Still, as miserable as the first two rounds were, we crushed the last two. Some of it is just that on any topic there is a wide range of knowledge.

For our team - two of my sisters and I - we watch a lot of the same shows. Creating a team from people who watch widely different shows might be the best strategy. But also, you can play without winning and still have fun. If you can't, in addition to gift card prizes for the top two scores, there was also a prize for the team that came in second to last.

Other trivia topics have included or will include Harry Potter, Marvel, Monty Python, Disney, and Will Ferrell.

One of those should be right for you.

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