Saturday, April 15, 2017

Luigi's Rollicking Roadsters

Luigi's Rollicking Roadsters replaced the Luigi's Flying Tires ride, opening in March 2016.

The Flying Tires ride paid homage to an old Flying Saucers ride, and was unique in its use of air compression and how you moved around, navigating by how you leaned. It was also slow-moving and hard to maintain. Even people getting into their vehicles were likely to step onto instead of over the tire, possibly crushing something important.

The Rollicking Roadsters simplify everything. You are simply in a little car, and the cars dance with no steering necessary on your part.  Maintenance is much easier, and the ride is more fun.

It also feels pretty similar motion-wise to Mater's Junkyard Jamboree. There are definite differences, especially in terms of style. One is twirling to Italian music in a sporty Italian car, versus sliding around in trailers on tractors in a more country style. There is no whip element to Luigi's ride, but I still slid around on the seat as we moved.

So the three rides in Cars Land are no longer quite as distinct from each other, but they continue to make good use of a set that is very faithful to the movie, and they are pretty fun. Also, though it might not be obvious, there is more than one song, and each car has slightly different moves, so you may find some advantage to riding multiple times for a slightly different experience.

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