Saturday, March 15, 2014

Vancouver BC - Stanley Park

In my mind I had always thought of Stanley Park as the aquarium, which is actually Vancouver Aquarium, which is just one possible thing to do in the park. In that way, it is similar to Point Defiance - yes there is a zoo and aquarium there, but there is also a lot more.

Our path along the Seawall led to Stanley Park, and we did quite a bit of walking through there, but later on we got a bus, and we took a tour bus through the area later.

There are walking and biking trails through trees and along the water, but there are also horse-drawn trolleys, art, wishing wells, and scenic spots for weddings. It is a good place to enjoy nature and soak up the sun.

However, most of our time there was at the aquarium, and I need to treat that separately.

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