Saturday, March 8, 2025

Newberg: Sprinkles of Joy Bakery

We have a strong interest in supporting local and family businesses. 

Sprinkles of Joy is run by Kelly, Le Cordon Bleu- trained in baking and patisserie, and her mother Karen. That fits the bill.

It is also just a cute place with good vibes and sweet treats; that should send out several beacons to those with a strong interest in baked goods.

I would say that relates most to cookies, of which they have a wide selection.

However I was most intrigued by the cake tops.

You probably know that when backing cakes the top rises rather than staying flat in a way conducive to layering.

That part gets cut off, but is still delicious cake.

What if you took that and some frosting, and made kind of a sandwich? What a good idea!

Flavors available depend on what cakes have been ordered, but keep an eye out for it.

That being said, I think my favorite thing was the cake pop.

Sprinkles of Joy is on 1st Street in downtown Newberg, surrounded by restaurants and near Town Hall and the Hoover-Minthorn House.

COVID: While there is seating inside, it is very easy to purchase while masked and consume the baked goods elsewhere.

Accessibility: Inside seemed pretty navigable, though there could be some difficulty getting in the door. The people are very friendly, so do ask for assistance if needed.

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