Saturday, July 27, 2024

Libraries: Milwaukie, Estacada, and Multnomah County Central

Once upon a time we read an article about what they called "cozy" libraries.

We had already visited the Tualatin Public Library and seen the mastodon bones there.

Some of the libraries mentioned sounded like great things for their community, but not necessarily something we would make a trip for.

However, there were a few we were able to work in.

For example, the Ledding Library in Milwaukie is quite close to Enchanté Chocolatier and the City Hall Sculpture Garden

While there are lots of cool things in that part of town, I suspect the biggest influence on this library is the presence of Dark Horse Comics.

The mural in the teen room shows a variety of superheroes and villains.

None of them are specifically recognizable (I suspect due to pesky trademark issues) but some of them may seem familiar nonetheless.

We were able to visit a long time ago, but wanted to make it to Estacada Public Library for the tiles and labyrinth before writing either library up.

I admit I was not impressed by the labyrinth. Currently, labyrinths are used more for meditation exercises than hiding a Minotaur, which I did know.

To facilitate concentration, you really have to focus on the lines to see the path. 

The tiles are much easier to see, and interesting to look at.

There is a guide in case you cannot immediately recognize the Northwest flora.

Local flowers by a local artist makes this a nice touch of community spirit. The labyrinth is also by a local artist.

I loved this quilt.

The library is nestled into Wade Creek Park, so you have picnic areas, playground equipment, and water nearby.

We were glad to have finally made it to both of our intended destinations, but in between we discovered the new Beverly Cleary Children's Room at Multnomah County Central Library. 

There were many nice updates with the refurbishing, but the children's area was especially charming. We appreciate the choice to honor Beverly Cleary, an important figure in many of childhoods.

It is easy to find books, and there are many fun places to sit and curl up with one.

There are also activities and fun things to look at for children who might not be quite ready to read on their own. 

Starting that love of reading early and exposing children to many books is helpful for their development. The layout of this room seems to take that to heart.

COVID: Everything except the labyrinth is indoors. It is best to mask. I will say that none of the libraries were too crowded when we were there, but that can fluctuate rapidly.

Accessibility: That is one area where they all do pretty well. The Central Library does still have the grand steps at the entrance, but there is a ramp right there as well. 

The other two are much newer buildings and everything is flat and modern.

We love libraries anyway; these are just some with some extra flair.

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