Saturday, June 5, 2021

Portland, Oregon: Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden

It took four attempts to make it to the Rhododendron Garden. 

There were definitely many rhododendrons, and many still in bloom, though some of the blossoms are starting to die. 

Obviously there are many other plants there. The garden refers to year-round beauty, which I am sure is true, but also mentions a more specific blooming period that covers January through early June.

There is a $5 admission that I think is very reasonable.

Currently groups are limited to no more than twelve people, and social distancing and masks are recommended, though not enforced.

Of course, it is outdoors. I would like to think that everyone I saw not wearing a mask was vaccinated, but I also saw a couple feeding geese right in front of a sign saying not to feed the animals, so I do not have complete confidence.

I did really appreciate this sign going over some of the birds. I had not seen any red-winged blackbirds, but I knew I was hearing them; this felt vindicating.

Regarding accessibility, while there are some steps, they can be avoided. Even when the paths are unpaved they are very smooth. However, there is often some steepness. One group overlapping with me had to leave one member behind for some areas.

The bigger issue for me was getting to the site in the first place. The previous three attempts -- occurring months apart, one during the off-season, were all thwarted by a lack of available parking. This may be helpful in keeping the garden from being overrun, but does not feel welcoming.

I got around that by using public transportation, but even the closest stops are some distance away, with buses having limited service and following oddly winding routes.

Across from Reed College, the garden is right in the middle of a large golf course. I can't help feeling that some of the limits to access are deliberate, as a way of keeping out the riffraff.

I got there anyway, but I'm stubborn. As it was, the lack of convenient transit kept me in the area longer, but it probably has some success as a deterrent. It's Lake Oswego all over again.

The gardens are pretty, but not spectacular, and require more effort than they should. I was delighted by some ducks and a squirrel, but I can see those lots of other places. And, there are other places to see rhododendrons.

Because of that, I cannot recommend.

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