Saturday, August 22, 2020

Boring, Oregon: North American Bigfoot Center / Bigfoot Museum

We had been meaning to make it out to the Bigfoot Museum in Boring for a while.

I appreciated that the attendant was happy to let us look around the entrance and gift shop for free. It had a wide selection, including casts and some hard to find Sasquatch-themed books and movies... but of course we were going in.

For one thing, admission is only a very reasonable $8, and immediately you find this guy.

Also, if I ever wanted a Bigfoot tattoo (not that it's likely), it would be silly not to come here and get a better idea of my options.

The museum sets up a good foundation, including information on Native American legends and news stories from all over North America.

That being said, there are a lot of plaster casts.

But there are other types of evidence too, like branches that show traces of Bigfoot handling, and photos.

I was particularly interested in the Nutella trap (which also had a plaster cast). I ask you, where else can you find a Nutella jar that was eaten out of by a culprit that essentially had to have been Bigfoot?

There is also memorabilia related to the Animal Plantet/Discovery Channel series Finding Bigfoot .

Short films are available for viewing. We saw one about a photo taken by the Clackamas River, with some interesting background on how to estimate sizes.

For COVID-19 precautions, masks are required, and social distancing. On our day, one visitor was finishing up in the gift shop as we arrived, and another car was pulling up as we left, so traffic was steady but not heavy enough to cause long waits.

The museum exhibits focus on more "factual" (yes, I am skeptical) artifacts, but there is a fantastic display of fanciful artwork in the bathroom. Don't forget to check that out before you go.

Staff is friendly and enthusiastic. I may be a skeptic, but I had a good time, and true believers will find themselves embraced and respected as well.

The North American Bigfoot Center is located in Boring Oregon just off of Highway 26, open Thursday through Monday from 10 AM to 5 PM.

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