Saturday, August 10, 2019

Pacific Northwest Lily Festival

Synchronicity hit recently when Julie and I both saw mentions of a Lily festival.

A little research revealed that it has been around for seven years, and is the only US lily festival this side of the Mississippi, so we made our way to Parry's Tree and Lily farm in Forest Grove.

The people were really friendly and helpful.

The farm is decorated with whimsical fabric figures...

and they understand that children may need some additional entertainment...

and there are tables and chairs at the ends of the rows so you can take some time to relax.

Food and drinks are available from local business Diversity Catering.

Obviously, the real attraction was the lilies.

It is not just that they are beautiful, but the smell is heavenly.

Well, not all of the lilies are fragrant, but enough are that it affects the whole area - not overpowering, just good - and there are helpful labels with each variety depending on what kind you want to take home.

There are lilies rooted in the beds and lilies in pots. They plant two weeks apart, so if the variety you want has already finished blooming in the beds, there is a good chance you will still be able to find it in the pots.

Prices seem reasonable, especially for the large cut bouquets.

There is yard decor available as well.

Still, it's mainly about the lilies.

So many colors...

and shapes....

and sizes.

August 11th will be the last day of the Lily Festival, open from 10 AM to 5 PM.

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