Saturday, October 26, 2013

Chicago - Wrigley Field and Buckingham Fountain

Our trip overall was great, but one of the disappointments was that we could not tour Wrigley Field. We still went there to see the outside and take pictures, because it felt wrong to miss it. By the same token, it feels wrong not to write about it, even though there is so little to write.

This makes it a reasonable combination with Buckingham Fountain, because we pretty much had a taxi wait for us to take pictures too. Basically, this week's blog is brief photo opportunities.

Wrigley Field is a little outside of the common way for main attractions. The tour bus I referred to last week only goes there during the tourist season, and it is a transfer from the main line. Apparently there is an L stop nearby, so that is an option. We had the cab take us there, stop for a minute, and then continued on to Lincoln Park.

There is a lot of history here, and that may have taken a toll, and that and a need for some upgrading is why we could not take the tour, as it is currently being renovated. We made jokes about only the Cubs would start renovations during playoffs, and I shared the Cubs version of "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" with my sisters. It's basically the same as the regular version, but instead of "And if they don't when it's a shame" it's "And if they don't when it's the same." I got it out of Jeff MacNelly's Shoe years and years ago.

I'll have more to write in coming weeks, as I write about places we could actually get in to.

We could have hung out more at Buckingham Fountain. It is really beautiful, especially when lit up at night, and you have a good view stretching forward of Grant Park there. However, we treated it as mainly something to look at and move on.

This was a musical stop too, though, as I did immediately have "Love And Marriage" start playing in my head. I know the fountain has a history long predating "Married With Children", but that's where I first saw it, and the first time I heard the song, and thus shall they always be joined.

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