Saturday, December 24, 2022

Winter Wonderland at Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve

While the holiday event is over, Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve is still there. 

I still want to talk about the holiday event, because it is Christmas Eve, and it was also really cute. They had little goats with bells and antlers like reindeer!

There were also crafts and a story hour, and concessions like popcorn and bundt cakes. We did not participate in those (though the popcorn smelled good!). Our primary participation was with the Winter Walk.

The trail is always there, but there were three additions to the trail.

In addition to a storywalk, featuring The Mitten by Jan Brett, and Christmas decorations on the trees, there were also animal photos added.

Counting the rabbits on the trail became part of the event's scavenger hunt.

That was the hardest question on the hunt, but also a good one for the preserve year-round. There are many animals that can be seen, and those are tracked on this board on the side of the building.

Inside there are displays involving taxidermy, skeletons, feathers, and examples of homes to teach more about the local flora and fauna.

 There is a gift shop as well.

Outside that window you see some busy bird feeders, and another little pathway where you can view many birds.

Much of it is set up with information about good water practices and leaf practices for being Earth-friendly at home.

The preserve is right next to the Clean Water Services Hillsboro Treatment Facility, so there may be a special emphasis on protecting water. There is an overall emphasis on conservation, including a boxes for bats and mason bees and pollinator habitats.

 There is a definite risk in focusing on outdoor events in December, but the weather was fantastic.

 I know we will want to go back in warmer months to see more. There are other trails.

COVID: We actually saw staff wearing masks, which was a pleasant surprise. In addition, there is room outdoors to spread out. They also did have hand sanitizer by the goats.

Accessibility: The goats were the one possible flaw here, as there was a small step to get into them, but I believe they would have been able to work around this if asked. Otherwise, there are accessible trails and restrooms. 

There is a set of steps on the outdoor viewing platform, but there is a ramp on the other side. It is one of the better setups I have seen.

Overall we were impressed.


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