Saturday, June 19, 2021

Candy Tyme at Clackamas Town Center

 Of course, Clackamas Town Center is actually in Happy Valley.

For a blog that focuses on places to go, a candy shop with multiple locations may seem like an odd choice. My sister really wanted to do it, and also, they are disappearing.

In the past, every mall had one, though the names were different. Fuzziwig's and Sweet Factory still exist, but not locally. Lolli and Pops has some crossover, but is pricier (and snootier).

So it seems worth appreciating that there is still a place in the Portland Metro area where you can fill a plastic bag with bulk candy while also finding interesting other sweets and toys nearby.

There have been some changes under the pandemic. They no longer sell bulk chocolate covered orange sticks, but you can still get those in the box.

Also, gloves are required now, but that is a good innovation. They should probably keep that one.

We got there early, so everything was clean and full. Actually, it was a little too full in the case of the chocolate covered cookie dough bites; they spilled as I put in the scoop, but no fuss was made.

They are also moving over to a cell phone based loyalty club, which can work through an app but does not need to. This may be preferable to having a wallet full of little cards with punch holes.

I know the phrase is "kid in a candy store", but the increased buying power and sovereignty that sometimes comes with adulthood can increase your good time in a candy store.

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