Saturday, May 8, 2021

Beaverton, Oregon -- Jan's Paperbacks

We decided that Independent Bookstore Day would be a great day to make it over to the new Jan's Paperbacks location.

Perhaps "new" is not exactly the right word. The move happened in 2018, but given that Jan's opened at the Aloha location in 1981, downtown Beaverton still does feel a little new. However, this location allows for an adorable reading dragon sign.

I don't know if this is supposed to be the exact same dragon, but I think we can agree that a lot of people who like dragons like reading, so it seems like a good combination. If not all of those dragon fans are into Science Fiction, well, some are, and might appreciate this display.

Obviously there are changes under COVID, where cozy reading corners are temporarily on hold, and while multiple customers can browse, they need to do so in different sections.

It is nonetheless enjoyable to browse, and the guiding was done in a friendly and efficient manner.

In chatting about the pandemic, we were told that a lot of customers have said this is their first stop post-vaccination. I think that makes sense. It is familiar and comforting, and full of books.

There will be something there for you.

1 comment:

  1. Dalton the Reading Dragon, while looks super similar, is not the same as the Dragon Jan. He was a gift from another great Downtown business, Forager Vintage.
