Saturday, April 6, 2019

Portland Tram

My sister and I tried doing the 4T trail on Labor Day, with less than satisfactory results, including never getting to the tram: 

Having ridden the tram a few times since then, I decided to take pictures the next time and then write it up.

If you think of the tram as a tourist attraction, it will probably be kind of disappointing. It's purpose is to move people (and sometimes equipment) up and down the hill, which is needed by many people daily. It appears to work pretty well for that.

There is some view, but it is not sightseeing. The angle and set-up don't really take advantage of potential landmarks.

There is a little bit of rocking as you hit the towers, but it is not by any means a thrill ride (and would not be a practical means of mass transit if it were).

It is easier than driving down would be, and faster than waiting for a bus.

In conjunction with its role in mass transit, it is adjacent to the largest bike rack I have ever seen, and it gets pretty full (though you cannot tell from this picture).

Also as part of its role in mass transit, they honor Tri-Met and C-Tran annual and monthly passes, OHSU employees and patients are pre-paid (though you do need a badge), and no tickets or passes are needed for the ride down.

If none of that applies and you want to ride up just for the experience, well, it's not the worst thing you could do, and $4 isn't a bad price.

(But don't take the 4T trail to get there. I can't stress that enough.)

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