Saturday, May 19, 2018

PDX Dining - Shigezo

I met up at Shigezo with a group of former co-workers.

They do have regular tables that have a booth feel, but because there were so many of us, we got a room, with doors that slid close and gave us some privacy. Entering the room meant going up a step and removing our shoes.

For a moment it looked like we would be sitting on the floor, but there is actually leg room, and a reasonable amount of leg room. However, you are positioning yourself into a movable seat that is at the same level as your feet, which does take some finesse.

Still, while getting up and down was tricky, once seated it was comfortable and did not require constant adjusting, the way actually sitting on the floor would have.

The closed off room has the potential to get stuffy, but they take care of that.

Although it had been described as a ramen restaurant - and they have many noodle dishes available - the specialty seems to be the sushi, which is beautifully presented.

That being said, it may have more pleasing options available for people who don't want to eat sushi than the average restaurant that will bring you beautifully arranged sushi.

They also have the most high-tech toilets that I have ever seen. I admit to some regret now for not having tried them out, but I was so startled to sit down on a warm seat that I was a little scared to start it vibrating or washing.

Our staff was really good, especially patient in explaining the dishes and drinks. Drinking members of the party really enjoyed their options, especially a cocktail that was something like a mojito but more Japanese (they were still trying to come up with the right name for it).

 It was a fun experience and the food was good. I think, though, that the most impressive thing is that with most members of the party having two or three dishes and two drinks, the average ended up being about $30 a person including tip (the gratuity is included in the bill, so keep an eye out for that when making calculations). For the experience that seems very reasonable.

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