Saturday, December 17, 2016

Winter Wonderland at Portland International Raceway

I finally made it to the light display at Portland International Raceway. I really liked it.

There is an assortment of lights. Along with some elf/North Pole scenes, there was a section on the Twelve Days of Christmas...

presided over by Santa and his sleigh.

There were even some more religious scenes...

and more secular polar fun (that did seem to mix up what you would find at the North and South Poles).

I enjoyed going through the light tunnel.

After which we found dinosaurs, dragons, and sea serpents could all apparently coexist.

Lovely poinsettia.

Sadly, taking pictures from a moving vehicle in the dark does not produce my best results, but I had a good time.

There are lines, but as you arrive at the entrance they do a good job of having many lights to look at. I felt like it was handled well. Remembering that this is a fundraiser so that many of the people helping are probably volunteers makes that more impressive.

Proceeds go to the Sunshine Division, providing food and clothing relief to Portland families in need. Donations of canned goods are also accepted at the site.

You are supposed to turn off your lights while driving through the course, which can be difficult for some cars with sensor activated headlights. Rest assured that there are whole online forums with suggestions for this issue.

The Lights and Leashes night (for dogs and their humans) and the Bike the Lights night have already passed for this year, but the lights themselves continue through December 25th.

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