Saturday, May 28, 2016

Crayola Experience - The "Factory Tour"

Lately, pretty much every factory tour we take is a presentation of some kind, with speaking, video, and possibly some demonstration. Sometimes it is in the same building in the factory, and maybe you even have some windows where you can look over the factory floor, but they aren't letting you on there.

That is fine. Concerns about product cleanliness - especially for foods - and concerns about safety may make it close to illegal to offer the other kind of tour, let alone concerns about proprietary processes.

It is nonetheless amazing how interesting, informative, and engaging these experiences can be.

There was video, including two animated crayons, Scarlet and Turquoise. There was factory equipment, where we got to see the melted wax, and the machine that forms them into the crayon shape. It gave a really good idea of the end-to-end process, and the scale of it.

One of the interesting things to me was as they talked about the creation process, and she was looking for something that could be used cleanly. I had never realized how remarkable crayons were for that. It's not just paint that can make a mess, so do charcoals, and oil pastels, and I never do much drawing with my pen without getting some on me. And Crayola are the best; just try comparing them to other crayons.

The other very interesting thing for me was that for all of the different crayon colors they have, there are only about eight label colors. It's certainly more practical that way, but it's something that I had never thought of.

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