Saturday, September 6, 2014

Oahu - Honolulu Zoo

The Honolulu Zoo opened in 1877, and is the only zoo in the United States that originated in a King's grant of royal lands to the people.

We enjoyed walking around and seeing the different exhibits, but I am going to focus on some pretty specific reptiles.

Something about turtles just makes me happy, and I don't question it. The zoo had a great selection of birds, mammals, and other reptiles, but what we really loved were the turtles and tortoises.

Not only did they have large land tortoises, as you can kind of see in the picture, but one pool was completely surrounded by turtles in a ring, with heads resting on the shell of the turtle in front of them. It was like a large sculpture, only every now and then a head moved. I don't know that it happens all the time, but we saw it and it was awesome.

This is a good zoo. It's not huge, but it feels welcoming. We enjoyed our time there.

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